Bit map images

This blog is going to be on how bitmap images are represented in binary.

This is a bitmap image. A bitmap image is laid out in a grid format and it uses pixels(Picture element) to make up  larger picture. A pixel is simply a small square that is used to make a bigger picture.

To work out how many pixels are on your screen work out the screen resolution on the computer settings.

A typical screen resolution is 1280 x 800 = 102400 pixels

Back when computers and pictures were still increasing their quality a bitmap image would only have a 1 bit system. E.g 1,0. 1 = Black  0 = White

That’s why old photos were Black and white.

With today’s technology we have loads of more bits that allow us to have millions of colors for each pixel. And with more bits comes with higher screen resolutions which means better quality in pictures.

2 bits = 4 colors white,red,green,blue.

16 bits = 65536 colors

24 bits = 16 million colors

The higher the number of bits the higher file size is needed.

image size is Size of grid x number of bits per pixel.

E.g – (1000 x 800) x 16 = 12,800,000 = 12mb

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